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From a Friend
inspired by "August Twelve"

12 August, 2020


Dear Friend,


You went looking for me, inspired by something you felt briefly, a feeling which seemed to be a salvation, a short breath amid your suffocated existence. Such phenomena are miraculous. These feelings are clues outside of a life restrained by a feeble mind.


Of course, you now know that I am not to be found physically. I am conceived in the mind and there I stay fixed until the mind quiets enough for you to first notice me.


I remained unnoticed by you for too long. Your mind was turbulent, as it was trained by a turbulent ideology. Since then, you’ve reflected on this ideology and have grown wise. It’s funny how the things we create to help and guide us can easily become that which traps us.


Wisdom then helped you discern the confines of your own reality and, therefore, realize the concurrent existence of everyone else’s own unique realities.

Do you feel the totality now? It’s much bigger than you and them.


You began this journey seeking a purpose as if you already hadn’t been given one. As if your purpose was unique and separate from everything else, separate from the totality. Such is the case for many of you humans.


Now, you are aware. But it is up to me to have the final word in this awakening.


Listen to me and listen to me closely: the world is divine. There will always be room to distinguish between the preferable and unpreferable. In order for the former to exist, the latter must exist as well. They are codependent.


Quit your struggle to change this duality, because it shall persist. Join me and look out as I do. Perceive the impartial beauty in the context of the totality.


Enjoy the journey, my friend.


Mr. White

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